Animal Communicator
Animal Communicator
Service Description
I communicate with your Dog, Cat or Horse to help you with the following: - Find out what they want/ like - Why they are misbehaving or doing something you dont like - If they are in pain and where - What they want you to know These sessions can help you understand and help your fur baby better. These sessions are not a substitute for vet care Once you have purchased this session, I will send you an email asking you what your questions are for your pet and for a photo of them. Please keep an eye out for this email as I will need the photo and questions 24 hours prior to the reading. I will conduct the reading prior to our call, then at the appointed time, we can discuss the reading. Blessings Brooke
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us before 72 hours prior to your appointment. Due to the busy nature of our business, if you cancel within 24 hours, a refund will NOT be given as this is an appointment slot which we can no longer fill. Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium reserve the right to reschedule at any time due to illness or other unforeseen factors. If this happens, you will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
Contact Details
Sunshine Coast QLD, Australia