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Your Positive Guidance for your Horoscope in November

Writer's picture: SunshineCoastSpiritMediumSunshineCoastSpiritMedium

Welcome to your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for November 2021; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)

HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.

Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.

I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!

If you would like clear guidance that is more specific to you exactly, please message me at: or to discuss an accurate private one on one, phone / video reading from anywhere in the world.

Blessings, Love and Light

Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium

Find your guidance quick links: Aries . Taurus . Gemini . Cancer . Leo . Virgo . Libra . Scorpio . Sagittarius . Capricorn . Aquarius . Pisces


Aries - March 21 - April 19

This is a very positive month for you, the energy surrounding you is full of celebration, celebrating friends and celebrating everything that relates to your hearts desires. Abundance and a feeling of connection and of ‘things getting back to normal’ will start to permeate your world. Your social life will increase and your relationships will be more harmonious . There may also be special occasions to celebrate here too. Enjoy being social and spending time with your best people! It is likely to receive news of a pregnancy or birth this month for some of you.

Guidance - Nurture yourself, go to the spa with your girls, spend some alone time to look after your soul and also, make your space beautiful….Time to redecorate! Your car, your house, your clothes, your mind! Fill your mind with positivity and if you have an idea brewing, this is the time to get it started! Take a holiday in nature and regain a deep connection with mother earth, it will do wonders for your soul!


Taurus - April 20 - May 20

The energy of clarity and new opportunities are surrounding you this month. Be on the lookout for a new fresh energy, new ideas or that job offer that will take you all the way to success. This month you will have one or many light bulb moments and may even discover a new way to think about something that will lead to success. Achieving your goals will come easy this month. Also know that if you face challenges this month, you will have the clarity of mind and inner strength to get through.

Guidance - Okay, its time to let go of old outdated ways of thinking like, “I’m not good enough to do that” etc. You have the strength and fortitude within to achieve your goals. So take the reins and let the clarity of this month help you to move rapidly towards what you know in your heart to be true. Also, look for ways to make your life easier and more efficient, outsource & delegate where needed so you can maintain a balance as you move forward with your idea/life.


Gemini - May 21 - June 20

Okay Geminis, I’m going to say it...It looks like travel could be on the cards for this month..woo hoo! There is an air of freedom and accomplishment around you now. Also, something in your life is about to come to fruition. Awards and celebrations are likely and this is the perfect time to celebrate...celebrate your achievements and all that you have done and learned in life. Things will happen easily for you this month too.

Guidance - If you are not quite at the finish line yet, keep your belief in yourself strong and stay determined, see it through to the end with ‘firm boundaries’ in place. This is also a good time to have a look at what has worked for you and what hasn’t worked for you on your journey so far. If needed, tap into resilience and stand firm and strong against any challenges and you will succeed. Also, let go of the past, you wont need it where you're going!


Cancer - June 21 - July 22

This month is filled with emotional stability, rejoicing with family and a real feeling of emotional fulfilment. Lean into these feelings, (even if they have been absent for a while) as you are allowed to have happiness and love. This month is a big time for spending time with family and being happy and proud of what you have. You are supported by the universe & big love and harmony are filling your life this month.

Guidance - Take time to really lean into gratitude. As you look over your past, find the blessings in the lessons, look at your patterns and what specifically you did that worked, felt or believed that got you to this place, once you know the right steps, you can replicate them. If you have not found this place yet, take some time to do some soul searching to find out what you really want in life, then ask yourself, “What do I need to do to get there?”


Leo - July 23 - Aug 22

Love, fiery energy and passion are filling your life this month. You may feel more grounded, more passionate and more in balance this month. There is a likely chance that great love will enter your life too, that or a whole lot of fun with a partner! You will feel in alignment with others and things will move at a rapid pace. Whatever it is for you, expect to feel GOOD!

Guidance - Let yourself free a bit, let your hair down and dance, have fun and celebrate. This is a happy time for you. Connect with friends and family and embrace any successes that you have. Free yourself from burdens and seek out new opportunities if they will bring you more happiness and freedom.


Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22

This month your life is filled with feelings of support, love, mental stability and encouragement. Its time to get back on track / or strengthen your path forward with faith in this support. Powerful energies are pushing you towards healing and growth. This is a time of renewal for you so look for inspiration wherever you go to help you move forward with positivity. New ideas are flowing this month & you may feel nudges towards your purpose too.

Guidance - Use your best judgement to make decisions, even if you don't really know which way to go, just do your best. The guidance here is to stop procrastination and make the decision, knowing that whichever you choose will be right for you at this moment. Now is the time to embrace your emotions and then trust in yourself to make a wise decision. Compromise may be necessary to get the ball rolling again.


Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22

An exciting new energy is stirring for you this month, it promises something better and looks like growth and expansion in big ways for you. You may be shown new experiences or new ways of thinking that will challenge your traditional ways. This may feel like a bit of an up and down time for you, but know that is only because you are nudged to shift something out of your life so there is room for this exciting new energy that is more in alignment with your heart.

Guidance - When we are ready for change, the universe knows and will bring it in for us, but there is always an element of choice. Will you or won't you? And most importantly, the choice to choose your perception, ie; ‘this is awful and I am broken’ or ‘yes I am uncomfortable, but what positives can I take from this so my life will improve 10 fold?’ Change happens, hard stuff happens, its the yin and yang of life...when you work on having a growth frame of mind, it will be much easier and more productive for you. Let go of past pain sweetheart & move into your best life.


Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21

Powerful lessons and new worlds of thought on spirituality are opening up for you this month. How to best nourish your soul? And how to live your heart’s purpose are the questions that will be brought up for you. Alternatively, which way is best for you to pursue your project or dreams? Deep wisdom will be all around this month, it is a time of awakening, and seeking and accepting wisdom and support.

Guidance - Confidence and a light heart are called for this month. Keep grounded by playing or walking outside. Believe in yourself and your ability to be exactly what you are here on earth to be. Have fun with this search, and the knowledge you acquire. Most of all, search for and allow your beautiful happy and charismatic soul to shine through into everything you do. Worlds are opening up for you.


Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21

If it feels like the universe has put things on hold, its so you can rest. You have been working very hard, trying very hard and thinking a lot. To maintain balance, rest and reflection is called for this month. You are being called to let your mind and body rest so you can heal emotionally or physically. Then you can get back up and move forward, refreshed and energised. This is also a time where you can trust the callings of your heart in regards to deeper purpose and direction in life.

Guidance - Take the time to heal and do what you can to process any emotions that are heavy. Give yourself all the time you need in order to look after yourself, this is important. Whichever area of life this guidance pertains to for you, rest, release, heal and then you will find yourself empowered. Also, be open to a new perspective on the situation or on how you view the past or event, amazing things happen when you widen your viewpoint.


Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20

November brings with it the energy of change and growth for you, in an exciting way, like new projects or ideas. You will feel confident, inspired and clear on what you want to do and you are ready to make things happen. Exciting new people or adventures may enter your life this month. The truth of a situation will come to light too. There may also be some unpredictability this month, so try to flow with it.

Guidance - Believe in yourself and start making long term plans, knowing that you will be successful. Reach for the stars and have faith in the long term plan for your life. Its time to start being really positive with your visions for yourself as what you think now will become your reality very soon. Heal old wounds so that you can move on to a wiser version of yourself. What is your wish? What can you do to make it come true? How would you have to think? Is there something you need to learn?


Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19

You are surrounded with a very exciting creative energy this month, one that if you tune into it, can lead you to a very lucrative and fulfilling lifestyle. The energy of stability is getting stronger in your life, whether financial or within or both, and this month you have the perfect diving board to begin the new idea, project or job that you have been thinking about. Change in jobs or promotions are likely this month too.

Guidance - Embrace or grow your leadership skills, learn more about managing and growing finances, or your business skills. Mentally, practice feeling successful, what does it look like, how does it feel and who is in your life? These exercises will help you to bring this reality into your life so do the work to refresh and upskill in regards to making money and career. Now is the time to dream big and begin the manifestation of it.


Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20

November is a time for celebration for you fishies, there will be more time with family and friends, more fun and lots of good news (like marriage, babies or job promotions!). Things will feel harmonious at home. In between enjoying peoples company, there will be some nice chill time too. Overall this is a great fun month for you, filled with energy and good time.

Guidance - Any gut feelings should be acted upon quickly and take up any travel that is inviting you. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed with the speed at which things are happening, instead, get clear on your direction and what you want and then let loose and embrace the crazy ride with a joyful heart. This is also an excellent time to promote your business as communication is well heard this month.


Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!

Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium

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