Your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for May 2022; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)
HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.
Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.
I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best selves...now go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!
Book in for a private session with me here: www.sunshinecoastspiritmedium.com.au
or connect with me at: sunshinecoastspiritmedium@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/SunshineCoastSpiritMedium to discuss an accurate private one on one, phone / zoom video session from anywhere in the world.
Blessings, Love and Light
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium
Aries - March 21 - April 19

This month you are being asked to create a balance in your life in regards to money, the energy of giving and receiving is all around you and it will be important to share your good fortune where you can. The more you give, the more you will receive this month. Remember it is important to see another's point of view with compassion too, when we are doing well, helping others in any way, is a gift that says thankyou to the universe/god/goddess/divine source for helping us.
Guidance - You are being guided to free your mind from any money blocks that are holding you back from having a healthy relationship with money. Speak to friends and family for other points of view. This also applies to how you live your life…you need to start directing your thoughts, to control them so they help you. Negative thoughts will only keep you where you don't want to be so get creative with your thinking and dream big, dream your best life into creation.
Taurus - April 20 - May 20

This month you are surrounded by a strong, confident and passionate energy. Use this energy to go for any projects that are close to your heart. You have what it takes to succeed. This month you will find it easy to keep focused and head steadily towards your goal.
Guidance - Take time to stop and enjoy this moment in your life, you have come a long way, reflect on the things you have learnt about the world and about yourself. Bring old things to completion as you are about to embark on a new adventure!
Gemini - May 21 - June 20

Things may feel a little frustrating, or exciting, as you are surrounded by the energy of change without knowing which is best direction to head in. This month you may find it a challenge between your head and heart…the answer lies in you being willing to compromise and just trusting that you will be looked after when you make a decision. You may find it hard to listen to your inner wisdom at this time.
Guidance - You can end this procrastination, or at least make the most of the month by pursuing study or learning something new which is in the area that you enjoy. Think about all of the things that make you happy in life, for in thinking about them and feeling happy, you will bring more happiness into your life. There is an exciting new direction for you, be brave and go for it.
Cancer - June 21 - July 22

This month, clarity and focus are your dominant energies, you will get things done this month in the area of career. Tap into the energy of a strong and direct mind. You will find it easy to know what to do and what not to do. You will feel cool, calm and collected and enjoy the energy of joy and humour. This month, your feng shui (energy) is in perfect alignment, so get busy.
Guidance - This month you will accomplish a lot, you are being guided to have fun with it, focus on enjoying yourself and your work. All decisions should be looked at in detail and thoroughly thought through to bring you the best results and financial success. Delegate where you can too and keep a balance in all areas of your life.
Leo - July 23 - Aug 22

There's a lot going on this month, many differences of opinion or ideas are flowing around you, both coming from others and from within your mind, ie: not feeling clear on what to do or the best way to do it, or too much going on. This month you will be surrounded by the energy of challenge and competition. This is a month of growth for you.
Guidance - Patience is the key this month. Try to find a way to work with others, how can you find a compromise that will leave you feeling good? You can work your way through this. You are also guided to remove yourself from negative or manipulative people where you can, also opening up and trying to see the whole picture, from everyone's perspective will help you to not take things personally.
Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22

This month things are coming together nicely, there is a warm fuzzy feeling of happiness surrounding you this month. Love and feelings of satisfaction and peace are all around you. The stress has lifted and now you can just enjoy, so make the most of it. Relationships are harmonious.
Guidance - Enjoy every part of feeling good this month, life is sending you blessings and you are being encouraged to be good to yourself and to fully step into allowing yourself to have the best in life. Keep your thoughts positive and strong on your path to success and this will draw what you want to achieve towards you.
Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22

This month you are being asked to seek a deeper wisdom from within. You are likely to have wise advice and people come into your life and you can expect to move forward on your spiritual path as you grow this month. Expect intuitive nudges and the need to be alone to process, learn and grow within.
Guidance - Focus on looking after yourself and your relationships this month. Nurture your creative side, do what you love for the sake of having fun and spend time with those you love. Your career endeavours will be successful this month too. Bring beauty into your life and enjoy the process of growing wiser and happier.
Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21

This month is a time to look towards the horizon and to new adventures. The universe is asking you to transform, to rid yourself of those things and /or people who no longer serve your best interests. It may feel slightly uncomfortable as we are all creatures of habit, but know that it is time for you to grow and for the new to come in, the old needs to be let go of.
Guidance - A new happiness and new opportunities are coming into your life, to do so, you are being guided to have faith, to know that you are being looked after by the great spirit/god/ goddess/ universe and that it will all work out wonderfully. Just let go and focus your mind on things that make you feel good and happy. Time to mend any emotional wounds and put the past behind you. How can you make stress work for you, instead of against you?
Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21

Love, passion and a stirring of deep emotions are surrounding you this month. Big things are happening for you and its all good. You can expect new romances or new levels to your existing relationships, or it may be a new passion for life stirring up within you. This being the case, you may have some important decisions to make so you can stay true to your best life and hearts dreams.
Guidance - Your guidance is to gain a really good understanding of what you really want, take time to meditate or get in touch with your deepest self so you can be clear on what you want (not what others want for you, or from you). Also, open your eyes, there are other possibilities out there that will help you achieve what you want. Practice gratitude for everything and ask yourself: What do I need to do so I can live in harmony with myself and life?
Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20

This month you are surrounded by a bumpy or hard energy, but know that energy like this will make you stronger. There may be people or a situation that isn't right for you. You may feel challenged to keep a positive opinion of others as there is likely to be many strong opinions.
Guidance - You are being guided to stand strong in your convictions. If you need to say no, then do so. Also, look for lessons herein, there is a lot to learn about others and how best to deal with certain situations and also, to learn more about yourself. Where can you see this reflected within your own self? And what can you do to grow mentally and emotionally from this? All in all, stay in your personal power, you have what it takes.
Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19

This month is all about your long term vision, you are being called to have a look at where you are headed and whether you want to stay where you are in your life and your comfort zone, or if you want to be bold and brave and take the world by storm. This is a thoughtful month with some introspection about your journey and what you want. You may feel stuck, or things slowing, but just use this time to get clear about your passions and direction.
Guidance - Keep a balanced and practical approach and know that all things happen in divine timing. Don't overindulge in any one thing, the key here is moderation and compromise, where can you change in order to get where you want to go, or get the things that you want? You are being guided towards self control and patience. Good things come to those who wait, plan well and have diversity of thought.
Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20

This month you are surrounded with the energy of emotional success and stability, generosity and wisdom. This is a great month to indulge creatively and to help others where you can. There is a lot of warm, wise and spiritual energy around you this month.
Guidance - Enjoy all of the beauty that life has to offer, be proud of yourself and your achievements. Allow yourself to rest for a while in contentment as you surround yourself with lovely things. This is a great time to redecorate your home or wardrobe too. Let yourself enjoy life and those you love.
Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium