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Positive Horoscopes for February 2024 by the Tarot - Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium

Writer's picture: SunshineCoastSpiritMediumSunshineCoastSpiritMedium


Aries - March 21 to Aril 20

Welcome to the new year , your sign is governed by fire and the the energy of the Ram. 

The energy coming up and surrounding you this month is all about beauty and prosperity, you will be enjoying reaping the rewards to all your hard work. You may find yourself inspired to declutter , clean out and /or redecorate…make your surroundings a reflection of all that is beautiful to you, its amazing how doing this can elevate your energy and your feng shui too…which will bring more abundance into your life. There will be more time in nature and very possibly more money coming in and / or financial matters that will work out effortlessly and wonderfully for you. This is a month of self reliance where you feel that inner sense of security and joy.

Your guidance for this month comes from The Earth Mother card, she talks about being grounded and moving into a more peaceful and grounded mindset, let go of any stressors and practice being in your centre, through meditation,  having picnics, going for walks in nature and really soaking up her beauty, get back to your roots, nurture yourself and those people you love. Any choices that you need to make, make them based on love. You are being protected with a shield of love and light from Earth Mother

February is a wonderful month for you.


Taurus - April 21 to May 21

Welcome to the new year little bull, your sign is governed by earth.

The energy surrounding you this month may bring some personal challenges but you are absolutely strong enough to endure, you will need to stand up for yourself as some things may change and you are being encouraged to put yourself first. Just be careful not to hurt people in the process as this could be on the cards due to conflict of interests or even someone trying to overpower another. Remember to think outside the box in regards to solutions, so give yourself some to time to think things through and chat to others if needed. Also keep your spirits high, the best outcome is one where you look after yourself first, while being gracious to others. 

You will conquer what ever is coming up for you, you are resilient, strong and thoughtful…but do put yourself first.

Your guidance comes from the Shaolin Master and is encouraging you to act with honour, to rise above pettiness. To take your time, to breathe and where you can, take a gentler approach. This is about adapting and honing and preserving your energy. Be subtle with your words and actions as too much heat will not be a good outcome. You may feel you need to, but you don't need to rush ahead, take time and ask yourself how to move with the flow of things…this is much easier than pushing against something….water in a river doesn't push against a rock, it figures out a way to go around and then keeps going on its merry way.


Gemini - May 22 to June 21

Welcome to the new year, your sign is governed by the twins, the panther and by air.

You will be on a high this month, feeling fantastic with things working out very well for you, your hard work in your chosen area will be paying off with lots of recognition, this could come in from co workers, colleagues, awards, invitations and even appearance opportunities. You are on the right track and should enjoy this success and celebration of you. Give yourself a pat on the back, keep working hard and being humble is the key here too. Your ideas are strong and full of pure intention. Play your cards right and more success will follow. 

Your guidance fomes from the Warrior and encourages you to stick strongly to your ideas and carry on, not setting for second best. Keep getting the best out of yourself, and the kicker is, that when you are at your best, with a touch of humility, you encourage others to be their best too and that is a win/win situation. You know what needs to be done to get to where you want to go and you take the appropriate steps to get there. Make lasting connections that benefit you both and really let this month ignite the passion within, make your inner fire stronger with unstoppable belief in yourself and most of all, don’t let any fear of the the unknown (this newfound success and recognition) stop you, just embrace your inner warrior and go for it!


Cancer - June 22 to July 22

Welcome to the new year little crab, your sign is governed by water.

This month you can expect new or evolving partnerships to be the theme, you might be reaching out or branching out with others for work collaborations or for matters closer to your heart, such as friendships or love. This is a great month to join a new group and meet like minded people, and you will also find that a relationship with someone close will grow and you will become closer (if you are single, you can expect a new romance to blossom). Overall, this is a harmonious month for you where you will feel connection with another and find more acceptance and respect in your life. Make sure you collaborate with the right people to save yourself from undue stress down the track.

Your guidance comes from the arrow card and you are being encouraged to deliberately surround yourself with positivity and people who make you happy. Make sure that you also protect yourself and your energy and don't just fall into a new relationship blindfolded, be discerning, use and listen to your intuition, let it guide you via subtle feelings and that niggling thought in the back of your mind, it will let you know if something is off and that way you can go on and put yourself around the right people. Overall, surround yourself with positive protective energy and have the intention to have more people who in alignment with your heart and your soul, come into your life.


Leo - July 23 to Aug 22

Welcome to the new year, you are governed by fire and by the strong Lion.

This month is all about endings and beginnings for you, its time to make a change and you need to pay attention to this and not bury your head in the sand and just hope your life will turn out how you want it. You need to take action, take action to put yourself on the right track because you are headed for all that is bright and happy in your life, but you need to let go of something this month in order to make room for something new to come in. Remember, with endings come new beginnings. (There is the possibility of a death around you this month too, as it is the case with me and I will be attending two loved ones' funerals this month. I know they are at peace now and hopefully this part of the message is just for me and not all Leo’s)

Your guidance is from the Water Guardian and is reminding you to connect with your emotions, to allow them to flow if they need to. Making changes and letting go of things can be hard and it’s okay if you don’t over analyse and instead just let yourself feel, this will be cleansing for you. You will also find that by unlocking deep emotions, you will open yourself up to more powerful abilities and attunement with your soul and who you are. Also pay attention to your intuitive feelings or inspirations that will lead you in this wonderful new direction for this new chapter of your life. 


Virgo - Aug 23 to Sept 22

Welcome to the new year, your sign is governed by the maiden and the fox and by the Earth element.

What a wonderful month for you, there is going to be new ideas and projects bursting into your awareness. There will be a buzz of energy and passion surrounding you and you will be ready for the next steps. You might start planning new adventures or holidays or even new passion projects. You will find solutions to problems come to you easily and overall you will be feeling great about life. This is the time to take action on your ideas as it is a very fertile month for you.

Your guidance comes from the Hermit interestingly enough, yes you will have a lot going on and maybe that's why the hermit is reminding you to retreat and recharge at times as well. Preserve your energy for the right moments, go within to make sure you follow the path of least resistance and this will make things a lot easier for you in the long run. Remember, in order to continue your growth, you need to rest and recuperate too. There is something deep in your heart that you need to hear or feel at this time, so meditation will help you here…meditate and focus on your heart and allow yourself to ‘just know’ whatever it is that you need to know right now. You need to align your masculine and feminine (action and receptive) energies for best results.

For all decisions this month, don't rush in, take time to meditate and contemplate on the right way for you. 


Libra - Sept 23 to Oct 22

Welcome to the new year, you are governed by the scales, by balance, by the rabbit and by air.

This month there will be a decision to be made and it is likely to be based around your happiness. Should I do this? should I go this way? Or should I do that? Or go that way? This can be a confusing time, when we are faced with needing to make a decision but cant see the right way to go or which way will work out best for you. But in order for you to get out of stress, you are going to need to make a decision. It is possible that you are trying to make the best of something, but really what you are doing is denying your feelings in order to save yourself from possible worse feelings / stress if you make a change. Its time to be honest with yourself and then you just have to trust that the decision you make will work out for your highest good.

You’ll be fine.

Your guidance is from they Guardian Angel reminding you that in times of stress and change, even though you may feel it, you are not alone. You have the full support from spirit and your angels, they want you to do well, they want you to be happy, that is their only job remember. So remember to ask them for signs and guidance and then be open to what they bring forward. You have access to their help and should know that divine intervention is definitely in the works for you…of course ultimately you will need to take the action but they are there to help you as much as they can. Whatever unfolds will be for your highest good honey.


Scorpio - Oct 23 to Nov 21

Welcome to the new year, your sign is governed by water and of course, the scorpion…and the phoenix

This month will be about keeping a balance in your life, there will be a lot going on and you will be juggling a lot and feeling fantastic about it too, you will be on top of things and finding it easy to adapt to new things. This month it will be easy for you to go with the flow and have more fun with things and any changes that come up, you’ll be on top of easily. This month is about flexibility, fun and balance for you. 

Your guidance is from Stargazer and is asking you to set your sights higher, don't just settle, make things happen in your life and most of all, expect more, from yourself and from life. If you are not quite having fun with this month yet, ask yourself what you can to so you can have more fun with things, how can you be more flexible? Your only limitations are in your mind…and you have the power to change your mind. Look beyond what is in front of you and make bigger plans, dream bigger dreams so the universe can help you achieve them. Recognise your worth and know that there is nothing you cannot achieve…make your wish upon a star, no matter if it is as simple as a wish for happiness, contentment or as big as owning a successful business.


Sagittarius - Nov 22 to Dec 21

Welcome to the new year, your sign is governed by fire and the archer and the centaur

This is a month of awakening and rising up for you, you can expect to reach new levels of wisdom and awakening, this can be your spiritual gifts or your physical gifts. The past is past and now you are moving on, you are moving on up. You may find yourself with a new understanding of things or the desire to make changes in your life to transform yourself. New attitudes and insights will come your way and will help you in many areas of your life (even if that means letting go of outdated things or people who no longer resonate with you)

This month is about letting go of the past and moving on to a brighter new you.

Your guidance comes from the Spring card, reminding you that change is definitely on the horizon for you and along with letting go of old ways and thoughts from the past, you need to plant seeds for what you want more of in your life. The air is full of potential for you right now and this is exiting, a time of wonderful growth where the seed will turn into a shoot and then a beautiful plant grows. This is a time of wonderful growth for you, where dreams can begin to come to life. There are also serious opportunities for abundance and financial prosperity for you. So get busy and start thinking things like: What do I need to do, or think, to get my life where I want it? To get to the next level! Woo hoo!


Capricorn - Dec 22 to Jan 20

Welcome to the new year, your sign is governed by the energy of the earth and the seagoat

This month there are many options available to you and you may find yourself unable to focus on one thing in particular, you want so much and there are so many things that you could do or focus on in life…and this can get a little overwhelming. It will be easy this month to fall into wishful thinking too, you are encouraged here to come back to reality and move forward in a natural progression from where you are now, no one gets to be the boss as a first job, they have to work their way up, you know what I mean right!

You may be tempted to give into temptation this month too, so make sure any instant pleasure of gratification will not make you feel bad later on.

Do your research if it is a lot of job offers or potential relationships as all may not be as it seems

Your guidance comes from the High Priestess, she is reminding you of your own power in your situation and to stand strong in that very power. To make things easier for yourself, align your energies to that of love and light, stand in your power and remain disciplined in your movements, don't let yourself be overwhelmed, confused or blinded by pretty things. To actually get what you want and reach happiness and fulfilment, you need to use your intuition and discernment to get yourself there. Dedication and discipline are needed here for a successful outcome. 


Aquarius - Jan 21 to Feb 19

Welcome to the new year, you are governed by air and the water carrier animal which is also owl

Things will seem to move very fast for you this month, you will have inspirations and ideas and could even have many options to choose from, with very little obstacles in your way. Travel is likely for you this month and you can expect something new in your life as change is on the cards. If things have seemed unclear or new to you recently, you will become clear on what you want and goals will become closer now, just make sure you are very clear before making a decision as this months energy will have things happening so quickly that you could make a hasty decision…so be clear and act quickly, just not hastily. You can also expect a new understanding around something as you widen your viewpoint. Any projects in the works will be completed rapidly.

Your guidance comes from Traveller and she is encouraging you to head in a new direction, this could just be with your point of view around something or literally in a new life direction. Learn as much as you can about yourself this month, whether its through travels or new opportunities that come up. This is a time for spiritual growth for you as the world opens up in new ways. Traveller reminds you to keep things simple and light, so you can enjoy your month more and always acknowledge your achievements and how far you have come.  


Pisces - Feb 20 to March 20

Welcome to the new year little fishy, your sign is governed by water

This month is all about the wonderful feminine and nurturing energy, you will be feeling good, enjoying and feeling connected to nature and have more contact with a mother figure in your life, or alternatively you may find yourself sharing motherly instincts and cares with another. Your creativity will flow this month and you may be encouraged to think outside the box, which will open up new doorways or opportunities for you. Communication will be wonderful with those you care about and you are in the perfect position to guide, support and encourage others, including your kids. This month you can expect good luck as things work out in your favour. If you are wanting a new direction in life or a new job, you are encouraged to look at a nurturing role of some kind, one that engages your soul.

Your guidance is from Spirit Fox who is reminding you that you can overcome any adversity but that the worst is behind you. Spirit Fox reminds you that it is safe to be all that you are, honour all sides of yourself, both masculine and feminine and to really trust in what you know, trust your talents, they are yours because you are perfect for them, so get out there and be boldly who you are. Help others with your gifts, share and spread the love and joy of being you, the world needs you. 

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