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Positive Guidance for your Horoscopes - August 2022

Writer's picture: SunshineCoastSpiritMediumSunshineCoastSpiritMedium

Your positive' Guidance for your horoscope for August 2022; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)

HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.

Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.

I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!

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Blessings, Love and Light

Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium


Aries - March 21 - April 19

This month is all about you embracing the highest version of yourself. You are going to be challenged to stay in your power, to stay your vibrant and passionate self instead of becoming the victim and going within. No no…how you feel and act is a choice, and you are powerful, courageous and have integrity; let everything you encounter this month bring out the best in you, no matter what. This is a great month to embrace the fun side of you and share it around as it will brighten up people's days. This is a wonderful month for you, embrace your kindness, courage and power.

Guidance - Add warm and passionate energy to your home as your home needs to be reflective of your inner passions and soul; be creative, decorate, get rid of old things that are not in alignment with this powerful, excited and exuberant you. Dance with the fiery passionate energy of your soul in everything you do and choose to only be around great people who light up your days and appreciate everything that you are beautiful.


Taurus - April 20 - May 20

This is a great month to delve into your spirituality, whatever your beliefs may be. There will be opportunities to grow within as you receive wise counsel from spiritual people in your life. Remember too, that the best wisdom comes from within your heart (not a confused mind) so clear your fears and confusion and instead feel into your heart and soul for the right answers for you. This is a big month for you with many spiritual lessons propelling you forward on your path through life…onwards and upwards! The key is there waiting for you to discover it (tip: it will be simpler than you think, the truth always is.)

Guidance - Your guidance to navigate this month's energy is to embrace your inner child, laugh, forgive easily and move on quickly, love people deeply with no judgment (including loving yourself!), have fun, be free. You will be able to keep a youthful vigour in your month by having a sense of wonder about everything…aka…have fun, enjoy your life and don't take things personally as you go about being your best and spreading joy.


Gemini - May 21 - June 20

Joy and happiness are spreading through your life this month. Life will have a beautiful flow to it and things will come easily to you. This month you will feel an inner warmth grow within as you connect to all that is joyful and free. Enjoy yourself this month, its going to be a great one. It’s like you have reached a new level after all of the things you have been through, congratulations lovely.

Guidance - Free yourself even more by releasing judgements, about yourself, about others (who cares, let them live their life and you just live yours, right!) and importantly, about how life should be, it just might be that you can find happiness and joy right where you are. Refuse to look at anything harsh and instead focus on bringing more gentleness and kindness into your life. Allow yourself to feel so deeply happy and embrace being you with a gentle compassion towards yourself.


Cancer - June 21 - July 22

A new journey awaits you this month as you are invited to go for that dream of yours, or that thing you have been thinking about for a while. Sure you may not know everything there is to know, but you have to start somewhere right, and with the divine presence guiding you along the way, you will learn as you go along. You will feel a stirring within to enjoy each moment and embrace everything that you come across with innocence, trust and joy. You don’t need to do anything other than start, or make the decision, the universe has your back sweetheart.

Guidance - Stay positive and focused on the outcome you want and as you hold strong with this focus, your dreams are assured. Even when obstacles arise, clear out the blocks (EFT tapping) and carry on. Avoid people who do not support you, release doubts and be in control of your schedule. Go for it with unwavering focus and you will come out where you want to.


Leo - July 23 - Aug 22

This month there is a change in the air and it will test your flexibility sweetheart. Remember that when things end or change, the best you can do is strive to accept and know in your heart that there is always a deeper meaning that we don't know about. When something ends, something new begins and you will be all the more wiser. Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing when we see the silver lining and keep bringing our thoughts back to the positive.

Guidance -.There is a healer within you and you are being guided to tap into her/him, open yourself up to healing and comfort from the divine this month, rest, look after yourself and ask for healing and guidance, spirit will deliver in their subtle ways. When you hold on tightly to the belief that you are receiving healing, you will and things will start getting better quickly.


Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22

Sometimes we need to let go so we can grow and move on in our lives and this month there may be something that is separating from you, either a relationship, a belief or other/ or you may need to deal with some anxiety or depression, or unexpected health news. This month is the time to look after yourself, heal, nurture, meditate and rest. Hard times can be a great motivator to push you to be your best and to learn what you need to learn.

Guidance - Spend time with others having fun ….and spend time alone, being alone is important and very healing and liberating. Nurture your independence and sense of freedom this month because this is where your power is. You are a strong and independent person, lean into that. Also, have as much fun as you can, just for the fun of it. Bring in more joy and laughter.


Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22

This month you will be offered things to tempt you, or you may indulge in addictive behaviours such as overspending, over worrying or over partying. You may also feel persuaded in an idea or feeling of helplessness around your life, it is important to remember that material things that make you feel good momentarily, can be a façade as the only truth lies in breaking through blockages that are holding you in old ways of thinking, and then living from a place of your truth. The moral - have fun but don't over indulge, keep the power in your hands.

Guidance - Stop worrying sweetheart, the fears and insecurities are just an illusion, a story you tell yourself…and stories can be changed. You have more control over your life and happiness than you realize and you can tap into this by visualizing what you want and focusing on the positive …and also, feeling gratitude for what you have, no matter how small. Refuse to think of anything except for living an amazing, happy and fulfilled life and you will bring it to you that much quicker.


Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21

This month you are faced with a decision that you may be putting off or trying to pretend everything is okay. There is more information that you need before you make the decision so work to get that even if it means challenging old beliefs, you need to widen your perspective. If you still can't find the answer, quieten your mind and trust in what is best for you, even if it seems counter intuitive.

Guidance - Stop giving away your power to others and take control of the direction of your life. Take time to tune into your heart and soul and then trust what you receive. Its time to stop procrastinating, you have an inner knowing on what to do and if you cant reach that, make a decision as best as you can, but it is time to decide… and then, to trust as it will work out okay.


Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21

The energy surrounding you this month is all about trusting and giving in to the natural laws of the universe. This can be a vulnerable time, especially if you have just been through some tough times, but this month, things are looking brighter and all you need to do is make a wish upon a star. Lean into the feelings of hope and excitement towards the good things that are beginning to come your way now as what is coming is fulfilling and bright.

Guidance - Allow yourself the time you need, but know that you are healing. Spending time in nature will help you integrate back to the vibrant you. If it is love that you are healing from, know that the love you shared was real, now it is time for you to move on with healing and love for yourself because you are vibrant and beautiful.


Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20

This month you will get things done so easily, as the energy of strength, authority over your life, goals and leadership surround you. There may also be a strong masculine person who is encouraging you to do and be your best. Make strategic plans on what you are wanting to achieve and go for it. You will instil deep trust in others by helping and sharing your wisdom and knowledge to help them on their way. A sense of security and comfort surround you this month.

Guidance - You will find that you connect better to your personal power by spending time outdoors in nature and tap into your sense of connection and spirituality. Be clear and focused on what you want to achieve and then put your energy into making it a reality. And remember, when you are doing well, others will do well too.


Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19

Life throws us many challenges in order to help us strengthen and develop our inner resources, this month, although you are almost there with your goal, you have one final challenge and here is the good news, you have the strength and the will to rise to the challenge and overcome it. Take the wise approach, determine the risks or challenges that are likely to present themselves and then you will be ready, strong, powerful and determined to jump over it, to success.

Guidance - Be deliberate about who you spend your time with, avoid harsh chemicals and toxic people. You are on a path of heightened awareness and you are doing well, this is a good time to detox your body to match this energy. You are also being guided to expand your spirituality by exploring ancient symbols and traditions. Connect in through meditation every day and clear your energy often too. Nature can help with this.


Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20

There are many different aspects to who we are, like the masculine and feminine for example. This month is about finding harmony and balance between all that we are to reach a state of bliss. This month you may even be able to make the impossible happen through patience and alchemy, not overindulging in any one thing and taking things one step at a time to reach your end goal. It is all about balance, patience and moderation this month to maintain a sense of calm, excellent decision making and harmonious relationships.

Guidance - Give and receive freely and fearlessly in the cycle of your life, its like breathing, we breathe both in and out and by doing so, we maintain a level of balance. You are also being guided to have the frame of mind that all of your needs will always be met easily. Spending time by water, especially the ocean will help you to feel great too.


Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!

Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium




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