Your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for September 2022; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)
HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.
Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.
I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!
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Blessings, Love and Light
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium
Quick Links: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Aries - March 21 - April 19
This month you may find that things feel hard mentally and your mind may have a tendency to wallow in all that is, or has been unfair for you, old memories will come back to you. Something, particularly something having an emotional impact, may not go the way you wanted it and this can cause you to focus on your pain instead of your joy. Remember, old pains or patterns come back into your life so you can heal it….and then you can move on joyfully.
Guidance - Let other peoples issues be their own right now, its time for you to focus on you, to slow down and get out on nature…and take your time there so the magic of nature, and the negative ions within (which are really good for us) can help you to heal and see clearly. Eat more vegetables and fruits at this time and exercise your body to keep yourself feeling good and on top.
Taurus - April 20 - May 20
There is a positive flow of money coming into your life this month, one where you will both give and receive as the positive energy of money flows around you. You will also find opportunities to help someone in need and it will make your heart glow with fulfilment as you do. This month is a very fortuitous month for you strong little bull.
Guidance - Be proud of yourself and the things that you have achieved. You are being guided to walk your talk by respecting yourself and others. Practice controlling your energy output as what you put out, you get back. You can also practice and work on the vision you have of yourself, being charismatic, confident, kind and respectful, and as you master this, you will attract people like this into your life. Also don't let your ego get out of control.
Gemini - May 21 - June 20
This month sees more divine light come into your life: you are seeking, searching for that something that is unnamed as you know it has the answers for you. There is likely to be a wise spiritual guide come into your life or give you advice this month. That guidance may come from another or…from the deep wisdom within your own soul. This is a month of spiritual awakening for you lovely gemini. This is a good time to learn from ancient spiritual traditions as they hold much value for you. You will also find yourself studying this month so you can expand and grow.
Guidance - You are being urged to allow yourself to see things from a new, more flexible perspective this month, laugh and don't be so serious. You know laughter raises your vibration and your energy right, so what better way to find a deep spiritual connection! You are being urged to drop opinions and judgements so you can gain a full understanding of what it is you are learning. Then sit with all that you are learning for a bit, let it digest before you make your mind up…remember, flexibility in your mind! (Also, quick fixes never work).
Cancer - June 21 - July 22
This month the energy surrounding you is urging you to take a different approach to something of importance in your life. You may be forced to look at things from a different perspective or think strategically to get the best results. It is also possible that this month, some deceit will be uncovered, either from someone else with ulterior motives (trust your gut) or something you have been trying to keep private may come out in the open.
Guidance - Look for the positive gifts in things that are happening. Get rid of things, possessions and ideas that are no longer serving you or are no longer right for you. Be your true self and be proud, you are perfectly unique...this is your time to embrace who you are. Tap into your gut instincts and go with them, no matter how small, as this part of you can see more than you can with your eyes alone.
Leo - July 23 - Aug 22
You have a wonderful, exciting and expectant energy around you this month, this is a great time to begin a new venture (or adventure!)... with this energy, anything is possible. You don't need all the pieces of the puzzle, they will come along the way, just get started. New opportunities that are filled with vibrancy are likely to present themselves to you this month too and you will find yourself feeling lighthearted and spontaneous. Time to be bold and take a risk or two to follow your heart sweet lion.
Guidance -.Spend time meditating on the ideas and knowledge which is waiting for you, just beyond your thinking mind. Strengthen your trust in your intuition with meditation, or courses, or books (find a place of power to tap into your inner knowledge). You are an empowered and intuitive soul and you are being guided to bring forth this teacher and leader from within, as you have much knowledge to share.
Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22
Things may be a little unpredictable this month as there are some changes needed sweet one, the divine is stepping in to help you to move forward on your path. This is a powerful time for you and is one where you will be challenged to
re-evaluate, realign and redirect your life so that it is in alignment with the path you have come here to live. Some part of your life will be deconstructed, either your circumstances, your beliefs, or how you see things… Your job is to focus on the little joys.
Guidance - You are being guided to trust that spirit is working for your highest good, to surrender to spirit, knowing that spirit can see more and knows more than we ever could with our human minds. Know that clarity and purpose will soon be here… and practice gratitude. Do you know, when we are grateful, the universe sees this gratitude as an invitation for more of what we are grateful for and works to bring it to us! Choose to focus on things you are grateful for. Yoga or tai chi will be good for you too.
Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22
This is a powerful month for you sweet one, and its all about shifting out of a worry or poverty mindset. This month the energy around you is going to push you to let go of old ways of thinking…(ie; i’m not good enough, I am hard done by, life is hard etc) and begin to embrace a new way of thinking about money and your life. Its time to clear out the old blocks and get planning for your best life with a strong and confident mindset.
Guidance - Get clear…clear on what you don't want, and clear on what you really want (not winning the lottery!) You can absolutely change your life with your mind, by changing your way of thinking. Keep grounded as you are in the middle of an ending phase and the beginning of a new phase, this can feel a little bumpy so…self nurture… and use your brilliant mind to focus relentlessly on the way you want life to be and how you want to be, so you can attract it to you.
Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21
Everything is going ahead strongly for you this month lovely, things will fall into place and your mindset will be strong and focused. You will feel yourself letting go of material things that don't hold any value to you anymore as you charge confidently towards the life you are really here to live. In other words, go towards your dreams, this is where your power is. Any obstacles that arrive this month, you will be able to deal with them with your strong mindset and willpower. You will find success with anything you seek this month.
Guidance - Keep a balance of work and play in your life. Add humour into your life as this will help to illuminate your path and help you to enjoy your life's journey. You are also being guided to embrace compassion, sharing and teaching, and to have good boundaries in place too.
Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21
Sweet one there is so much creative and loving energy around you this month, its an exciting, innocent and new type of energy, embrace your creative side and be aware that miracles might just happen! It is likely that you will be more social this month and a new friend can even be on the way. Be on the lookout for new love or a new level in your relationship too. This is a fun month for you.
Guidance - Simplify and enjoy, there is no need for things to be complicated, or for drama. Choose to do something wild and silly to break out of the mundane! Take action on anything that has seemed unrealistic or unreachable in the past, this is your month of miracles after all. If you have a project or goal, break it down into bite sized chunks and go for it one step at a time.
Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20
Ahh, what a grounded and secure feeling for you this month. Financially you can expect to be doing quite well, you could even see some inheritance or other money coming your way. What ever you are doing this month, you can expect a positive outcome. Your feelings of comfort and abundance will expand to all areas of your life, family, finances, material needs and spirituality. This month is all about generosity and joy for you.
Guidance - Be observative, see who could use your help or assistance and then offer it in a quiet or discreet way. Listen to the real truth beyond merely the words that people say and see beyond the surface of any situation so you can know the many different ways things can go, and then you can choose wisely. Honour your inner gut instinct and your innate gifts too.
Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19
This month you may find that your position is challenged…what you know, what you do. But know this, it will bring out a strength, determination and grit in you that has been dormant. You know what you are doing, you are good at what you do and you now have to stand solid and firm. If your projects come up against an obstacle, you will overcome it with a strong self belief, effort and clarity of purpose. Protect your ideas and stay in front of the pack. And remember, when you get competition or are challenged, that is a great sign that you have made it! Keep going with charisma!
Guidance - Communication is your friend and ally here, clear up any misunderstandings. Pay close attention to those around you and pick up on nonverbal clues, then trust your intuition. Clean up where you need to. Meditation and time by the ocean will benefit you greatly.
Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20
The energy of beauty, grace and a connection to nature are all about you this month. Things will flow very easily for you this month and you can expect a good income, a windfall, or a rise in income this month. You will have a nice balance of work and family time which brings you much joy and enhances your feelings of stability. You will also feel the need to redecorate or make your home more warm and comfortable. This is a great month for some self pampering or a day at the spa with the girls!
Guidance - Bring out your inner nurturer and enjoy spending time with those you love. Singing or humming will help to lift your mood and put you in a really good space emotionally. When interacting with others, make your intention cooperation rather than competition, there is enough for everyone sweet fishy.
Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium