Your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for June 2022; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)
HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.
Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.
I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best selves...now go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!
Book in for a private session with me here: www.sunshinecoastspiritmedium.com.au
or connect with me at: sunshinecoastspiritmedium@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/SunshineCoastSpiritMedium to discuss an accurate private one on one, phone / zoom video session from anywhere in the world.
Blessings, Love and Light
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium
Quick Links: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Aries - March 21 - April 19
New beginnings which will have you feeling happy and fulfilled, this will be around the areas of your emotions, love and also spirituality. A new passion will be sparked in your heart, this could be your passion for life, a project that is close to your heart,, or your love life, whatever area it is for you, this is a powerful month bringing a lightness and inner joy to your life. This is a great month to explore your creativity too.
Guidance - Be conscious of your decisions and actions as what you do now, will lead you towards your future, so let your actions be in alignment with what you really want in your heart. It is likely time to create a balance of spirituality and everyday life…ask yourself, have I been neglecting my inner needs? Where can I utilize my creativity and do things that will help me feel more emotionally balanced?
Taurus - April 20 - May 20
Things are changing and shifting for you and this month is all about the mental shift…that is to say that as you move on towards the life that you want, you are now ready to shift out of old emotional wounds and issues. You are headed towards a better position in life and though it may be difficult and there will be work for you to do, making this necessary move is the best thing for you. Change is happening and it is for the best, you are moving away from who you used to be and moving towards who you are truly here to be.
Guidance - Keep your focus on happy memories and happy desires, then deliberately bring these happy feelings into your present moments. You can also look at how amazing you were at overcoming past challenges and let this bring strength to any new challenges that come your way. Spending time with children will alight a latent happiness within and visiting family or places from childhood can bring insight. Laugh more and be spontaneous, you are on your way to something beautiful.
Gemini - May 21 - June 20
A steady progressive energy is surrounding you this month, you can expect opportunities that will expand your horizons through study or offers from new and unexpected places. This is a great month for thinking big, or bigger as you are moving to the next natural stage. Travel over water is likely at this time too. This month is all about opportunities for you so be bold and take the leap towards your passions.
Guidance - Be open to change, who knows what great things lie behind something new. You are being encouraged to go with the flow and accept things as they come to you. You are being led in the right direction and the universe is in control of these changes right now so surrender and make it easier to move into this fortuitous next chapter. The more you are willing to grow and change while keeping your focus on abundance and optimism, the better it will work out for you.
Cancer - June 21 - July 22
You can expect a clear understanding of life and others this month as the energy of clarity, logic and focus surround you. Take advantage of this different style of thinking for you as it allows you to see things from a different perspective and may help you get more done. You may also have someone come into your life who is direct and to the point without being emotional, at this time, their words are the wisdom that you need right now.
Guidance - Work on looking at life and understanding your part in it. You are becoming who you are truly here to be and the alignment is beautiful, you are reaching new levels of consciousness. This is also a great time to begin planning your next adventure or project or the next level to what you have now. Fill your life with as much joy as possible, its time to celebrate you and all of your accomplishments, you are where you are meant to be water baby.
Leo - July 23 - Aug 22
This month you have all you need, financial stability and practicality are surrounding you. This is a great month to get things done in a down to earth manner while enjoying and increasing your success. You will feel the power of feeling in control and enjoy giving to others. This month, everything you touch will turn to gold and life will be rich and rewarding.
Guidance - Express yourself with joy and wild abandonment lovely. Notice everything positive around you and celebrate all of your successes. Search for the bright side of everything and enrich other peoples lives by sharing this warmth and joy of life. Your love of life will only expand your successes ,finances and every area of your life. Start telling yourself that you are lucky, the more you do this, the more it will become your reality.
Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22
You have been working hard on bringing your passions to life, or creating the life that you want and you have endured much, this month you are being asked to stand strong for one last challenge. You have it in you and if you stay vigilant in your resilience, you are assured success. This month you are filled with inner strength and mental alertness. Old patterns may rear their ugly head, this is a great time to have a look at them and decide you are done with them and are moving on to an easier life.
Guidance - Embrace your determination and the passion within and stand strong, dont give up and forge ahead. You can thrive on challenges so use this to your advantage. Do what you need to do to get what you want, go the extra mile. Embrace your inner confidence and say, ‘This is me, take it or leave it, but I am strong in who I am.’
Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22
Things are moving fast this month and you are going to have to make a quick decision about something using your head rather than your heart. You are surrounded by energy, ambition and desire to succeed. Communication will be clear and direct and you may have a quick witted person enter your life. You will feel a need to get things going quickly, to act before you think and to charge forward. All systems go.
Guidance - Bring the momentum of this energy down to earth by doing good, help others where you can as it is no skin off your nose and a lovely deed too. What goes out, must come back right!. Give of your money or time as you enjoy your success and move forward with as much presence of mind as you possibly can.
Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21
This month you are surrounded by an exciting energy of new beginnings, enthusiasm and freedom, change is in the air. New ideas will be coming your way along with the enthusiasm and drive to get started. You may also receive news revolving around change or something new. And a new approach to an old situation is likely.
Guidance - This is a time of deep spiritual change where you need to change your thinking and beliefs in order to move on to and succeed at the life that you want. Adopt the mindset of, ‘there is always a way out, there is a way for me to have what I want and I will find it.’ You are also encouraged to gain a healthy balance of focus on the material and the spiritual. A mindset change will lead to success.
Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21
This month you are surrounded by a calm and patient energy. All things in balance and moderation will be easy for you. You will be able to see your long term vision more clearly right now and feel a calmness knowing there is time enough to do everything. Your intuition will guide you gently towards the best outcome in situations. This is a great time to work with others and combine your skills to get the outcome you desire.
Guidance - Be open to new experiences and opportunities, as there is something on the table for you right now. It is time for contemplation, research and meditation so you can find your next best steps in life but you need to remember to nurture your relationships and notice all of the good in your life too. Right now its all about creating a solid emotional foundation for yourself as you move forward.
Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20
This month you are surrounded by an introspective and wise energy. You may receive wise counsel or be the one giving wise counsel. The mind must be silent in order for the inner voice to be heard…this month the doors to inner wisdom are open to you and you will be led towards what your heart wants. This month you will cherish what really matters in life and it is a good time to embark on solitary projects and periods of introspection.
Guidance - Set aside some time to meditate and listen to your intuition. Have the intention to discover how to create more balance in your life, how to get more in touch with your deep consciousness. Focus on your psychic and spiritual development in order to set yourself on a wonderful path for this next stage of your life.
Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19
This month you will be challenged to look at your current beliefs about life in order to create some positive change. Things may seem difficult, it may seem like the odds are stacked against you and you may feel alone in life or in a situation, but know there is always a way out of hardship and into ease; to find it you need to look at ways you can change. This is a great time to get support from friends and family too.
Guidance - Tune into your innate gifts and talents to help you direct your life, you have all of the skills and resources that you need to turn things around so be sure not to underestimate yourself, you are prepared for this and when you start to take control of your own world, things will begin to fall into place for you. Forget what others are doing or saying, and focus on you and what you want and need, you are the only one who can create your life the way you want it. Get creative in your solutions.
Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20
This month you might have itchy feet as you are surrounded with the energy of decision, to stay in the known, the safe, or to step out of your comfort zone in order to chase your dreams. It may feel like you have outgrown a situation and indeed you have, now you have a choice to make. This is an exciting time for you as you and your plans are growing so be bold and ambitious. This month is about deliberation and being sure of your goals. Business partnerships are likely this month.
Guidance - Be as prepared as you can, make goals, map out steps, be methodical and do the work. Slow and steady wins the race. Also, assume responsibility over your life and your goals and you take charge to assure a successful outcome. Be a person of your word and always follow through with a high attention to detail. This is a great time to make well researched investments too.
Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium