Perfect for all sorts of decisions as spirit show me what is coming up if you...
take this path...or that path.
Then, forearmed with extra intuitive information, you can make your best decision.

This type of reading is a combination of consulting directly with your spirit team on which option is in most alignment with your hearts truth and using the Tarot to look at the pathway and outcome of each alternative choice you are looking at.
Often when we are in a situation, it is hard to see the right thing to do, we have a lot of people bombarding us with their opinions which can make it really hard to know which way is the best for us.
You know how it goes right, should I, shouldn’t I? Which is the best road ahead for me to take? You just don’t know what to do.
Should I study at Uni or go to work?
Should I move or stay?
Should I tell them or not?
Should I choose this team or that team?
Should I stay or get a new job?
This is when your head wants one thing and your heart wants another…
Or maybe you want both!
It makes it really tricky to be objective and just causes more confusion.
One way to overcome this confusion is to step away from it all, go for a long walk, go camping for the weekend or do a deep meditation where you can access the truth from within.
But this can be hard for a lot of us, and if this is you, it is always good practice to weigh up the pros and cons too.
Another thing you can do is have a reading with a talented and trustworthy psychic medium, a specifically designed reading will help you to get really clear so you can make the right decision for you at this moment in time.
You know we always have free will and we don’t live in the old days where you had to choose a career and stick at it for life, no, now most of us will have many different jobs and careers over our lifetime.
What we want is to avoid making the decision that will set us back or prove to be the hard road.
Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes in life, the hard road is incredibly valuable, we learn a lot about ourselves, what we want, what we don’t want and who we are at the core.
Hard times lead to a lot of soul searching and if you are into personal development like I am, hard times can lead to big growth for you….but its hard, and emotional and no one really likes it right?
In the Andean Shamanic Culture they look at it like this: there are 2 options to how we do or experience things in life: Sami or Hutcha.
Sami is all that is positive, high vibrations and love, aka – learning things the easy way. And Hutcha is negative, low vibrations, heavy, aka – learning things the hard way.
Sami = taking the road of least resistance
Hutcha = taking the road of hard knocks (often because we are stubborn, or stuck in our comfort zone)

Having the deep insight that Meditation brings…
Or the clarity that a Reading brings…
can help you to choose the road of least resistance so you can more easily align with your truth, that is, what makes you really deeply happy within.
Sometimes of course, we get Hutcha anyway, where we don’t have a choice in events in our lives. This can be part of our souls journey to learn the lessons that it wants to learn on a deep level. (On the Sami side of things here, we can always choose to look at these experiences from a growth perspective; where we find the positives and the lessons in the situation instead of wallowing.)
I don’t know about you but I know that I want the road of least resistance please! Bring on Sami!
Let me give you a perfect example:
Years ago I had a job that I was both happy with and not happy with. The work was pretty good, it fit in with my family needs and we needed the money obviously, but I was working with a couple of narcissists who were making it very hard for me. When thinking about what to do, I drew the 2 of swords time and time again.

My head said, you have to stay, no one else will give you this flexibility that you need for your kids and it’s a pretty good job, you cant leave, you need the money. Just suck it up.
My heart was dying, I felt trapped in the machine of day to day work and I was stuck with people who gaslighted me all the time, it was a constant fight for me to use all of my personal development tools to stay on top. (This is actually where I became a Life Coach to try to get myself on a different path)
The 2 of swords is all about how I was protecting my pain and I was becoming introverted and angry (my body showed in with a lot of pimples…yay pimples in my late 30s).
The 2 talks about avoiding making a decision and that was exactly what I was doing. Avoiding leaving, which is exactly what I knew I needed to do, but I was scared.
The 2 talks about trying to resolve emotional conflicts – which I was trying to do, using tapping and other methods – and then making a decision even though you cant see what the outcome will be, you have to trust…..fark, scary.
Because I was so close to this issue and so emotional too, I couldn’t see my way out, I didn’t know what to do. I healed a lot of issues through this Hencha moment in my life, but it kept getting worse until they pushed me to my limit and I quit.
And low and behold, I rang someone else I had been working with and got myself almost the exact same job straight away, but with good people and more flexibility and after some time, more money too.
The moral of this story is this….
I was too close to the issue to see clearly, I wish I had of consulted another reader earlier on (I wasn’t reading professionally back then) to help me to get clear on my options (a professional reader like me will help you ask the right questions so you get the right answer) and to then trust in what I knew I should do.
A reading doesn’t wave a magic wand for you though…
What it does is help you to align with your hearts truth, your true passions or even just to know what it will look like if you make this decision or if you make that decision, you know!
In this way, we use a reading as guidance, a way to get clarity and make the best decision for ourselves.
The future is never set, we always have free will to make choices on our journey of life, sure some events are predestined, but we can choose how we get there…Sami or Hencha anyone?
I like to do multiple tarot spreads when it comes to decisions, so we can be as clear as possible of where each road will lead.
I also really trust spirit the most...
they can see so much more than we can...
so I really like to consult spirit on your options….
and on your souls purpose too.
During the reading, I attune to your energy and with the assistance of my spirit team, we talk directly to your spirit team to get guidance on what is your hearts truth in the matter you are concerned with. A reading with me can promote beneficial changes in your life by giving you support and clarity, thus calming and clearing your emotions enabling you to make an informed and mature decision based on what is best for you.
Happy Decision Making
Ps. A psychic coaching tip: When making decisions, be really clear on what outcome you want, it will help lead you in the right direction. Simple and powerful.
If you would like to book in for a reading, click here :
