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July Positive Guidance for your Horoscope

Writer's picture: SunshineCoastSpiritMediumSunshineCoastSpiritMedium

Welcome to your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for July 2021; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)

HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.

Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.

I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!

If you would like clear guidance that is more specific to you exactly, please message me at: or to discuss an accurate private one on one phone / video reading from anywhere in the world. Or book in here:

Blessings, Love and Light

Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium


Aries - March 21 - April 19

Hold on to your hat because things are moving fast for you in July and it feels good. Keep your focus and passion on the direction you want to head and then flow with the momentum. Your best decisions will be made quickly, with trust in your inner knowing. You are being pulled in the direction of your passion, urged to do what is right for you. There is plenty to do and this is just the right momentum to carry you there. New information may come to you and it is a great time to promote yourself.

Guidance - Trust in your own capabilities and pay close attention to signs from your guides and ancestors who are helping you by nudging you in the right direction. Stay grounded.


Taurus - April 20 - May 20

Things are evening out for you this month, balance is being restored and things are starting to go your way. Being accountable for your actions is also in play this month as karma is a natural law. Legal matters may surface, if they do rest assured that balance will be restored. Fairness and honesty in your undertakings are prevalent and you may be nudged to look at how your thoughts and beliefs impact your reality.

Guidance - If forgiveness is needed, then forgive. If something needs to be rectified, then heal it. Take time out for restoring and nurturing yourself and get yourself into a wonderful headspace by practicing meditation or 10 minutes of mindful breathing twice per day, with the intention to love yourself and others just as they are.


Gemini - May 21 - June 20

This month new ideas or opportunities for finances or career are in the air. It is also a time where you are able to feel a greater connection to the energies of nature. Seeds for prosperity are being planted now, so be focused, because what you begin now, what you plant now, will flourish successfully. And of course, for this to happen, you will need to upgrade your thoughts and beliefs too.

Guidance - This month, you will be most creative at night so set aside time to work on your projects or plans then as you can easily trust your intuition to lead you in the right direction. Don't think, just feel. You may even know of events before they happen as your intuition is very sensitive right now. Personal development for those thought upgrades too.


Cancer - June 21 - July 22

Celebration! You have reached a major milestone and have come a long way. This month is a wonderful time to celebrate all that you have achieved. This is also a time of gatherings or being with friends and family. This month, the roller coaster that is life has smoothed out as a sense of peace and all is right in the world spreads its joy in your life. You are more connected to your path than ever before.

Guidance - Trust that everything is divinely timed and realise that now you are in a place to understand that you don't have to suffer in order to learn and grow on your path. Be cautious about what you say to others to avoid gossip and hearsay.


Leo - July 23 - Aug 22

Giving and flow are the energies surrounding you this month so make sure you are open to receiving and allowing yourself to have more of what you want (you can do this by choosing to allow). Positivity and generosity are all around you, so give and receive and give and receive with gratitude and compassion for others and yourself. Good fortune is here for you now.

Guidance - Be generous with everything that you have learned in your life. It feels good to help others and it feels good to let others help you too. Be daring and follow your dreams and if there is a task before you, jump in and go for it with fierce determination.


Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22

You have been putting in the work and the effort to pursue your goal and now you are at a point where you are waiting to see the results of your efforts. You know now, who you are and what you are here to do, or at least you are on the right track. Stay the path and know that you will see the opportunities that you have been working for soon. You may find times of quiet which conclude with bursts of energy.

Guidance - Look at what steps you can take now that will help your goal become reality, keep your focus strong. Take advantage of any opportunities that arise. Express your love freely to those you are closest too.


Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22

The energy of freedom, to take risks and be daring in order to follow your dreams is all around you this month. Anything is possible and something new and exciting is coming to the surface. Remember, go for your dreams with innocence and stars in your eyes...filled with enthusiasm. All the best dreams are made to come true this way.

Guidance - Take a leap of faith. This is a very productive time and looking for the greatness in yourself and in others will bring you much joy. Walk with your head held high, showing the world your self respect and confidence.


Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21

This month is all about embracing the most vibrant and fun side of yourself. The energy of passion and enthusiasm are magnetic around you and you will find yourself being drawn to working on your passion projects or what makes your heart truly sing. Think through what you want to pursue and go get it with vigour as this fiery energy is strong for you this month.

Guidance - Think out your choices so you can be sure to look back on this moment happily, knowing that you are proud of the decisions you made and the actions you took. Look further beyond the surface of a thing or person as there is more to be revealed or discovered.


Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21

This month is a time for gentle reflection, as you will be surrounded with a more inward looking energy. Change is abreast and now is a great time to let go of what no longer serves you. Your own true path is opening up to you now and you are being asked to have faith, love yourself, learn your lessons as a new journey is opening up for you

Guidance - Look for spiritual lessons from within, when you meditate or relax and also be open to lessons of wisdom from wise leaders too. It is time to grow, to let go of old ways and make space for a better version of you. Being open to receiving guidance (from others or from within your own truth) is the key to success.


Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20

This month your intuitive sense will be on fire! Expect your dreams to be vivid and filled with insight that will help you in your daily life. This is also a time of reflection, meditation or simply relaxing. You will find that you just ‘know’ what to do this month, so trust it.

Guidance - Trust your intuition and allow yourself to find the answers within, even if you don't know how you ‘know’. Your rewards are coming from all of your hard work. Make a decision, stick to it and go for it.


Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19

The energy of heart and passion are filling your life this month, it might be a passion project, family and friends or passion in a new or old romance. A creative project or opportunity may come your way. You may also receive an unexpected message or invitation. It is time to follow your heart.

Guidance - Slow down and feel into life a bit more, there is no need to push and make things happen, as they will happen when the time is right, whether you are stressed or relaxed. Take some time alone, away from people to get in touch with your creative side.


Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20

Emotional fulfilment, celebrating and collaborating with others and news about money, career or finances are around this month for you. This month connection is strong and you will find yourself with other like minded people (the family we choose). You have been working hard and your hopes are being realised so let your hair down and have some fun for a bit. An excellent opportunity is being offered to you.

Guidance - Trust your instincts to determine how to respond to situations. Trust that you are on the right path, even through dry spells or if it seems like you are veering here and there, you are on the right path to your success.


Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!

Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium

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