Your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for April 2022; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)
HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.
Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.
I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best selves...now go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!
Book in for a private session with me here: www.sunshinecoastspiritmedium.com.au
or connect with me at: sunshinecoastspiritmedium@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/SunshineCoastSpiritMedium to discuss an accurate private one on one, phone / zoom video session from anywhere in the world.
Blessings, Love and Light
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium
Quick Links: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Aries - March 21 - April 19
April is a wonderful month for you lovely Aries, there will be reason to celebrate for many reasons, accomplishments, marriages or engagements, new living arrangements and even a promotion or new job could be on the cards. Enjoy yourself this month as it all feels very grounded and happy, stability and success are all around you. This month you will be surrounded by wonderful people.
Guidance - Listen to your gut, your intuition and make moves on your decisions quickly. Enjoy traveling. This is a month for consistent movement in the right direction, keep your momentum going. Stay grounded by keeping your focus on both enjoying yourself and focusing on where your hearts desires / dreams are taking you. Expect quick results.
Taurus - April 20 - May 20
This is a great month for you little bull, money, grants or scholarships may be coming your way from unexpected sources. You will find yourself in a financially stable position and because of this find yourself with the desire to help someone in need. This month is full of the energy of giving where you can and also, receiving. You know it is important to receive graciously, both for yourself and for the giver too. This month the universe is providing you with the opportunity to fall into balance and harmony with money and also in your life by asking you to explore generosity and compassion.
Guidance - Free yourself from any limiting beliefs or thoughts around money. Did you used to (or still do) believe that you wont ever be financially rich? Thats not actually true, but a strong belief is persistent…Do any healing work needed and put the past behind you. You are moving onto steadier ground and that old baggage will just weigh you down and hinder your progress. Embrace the wisdom you have gained through your past and use it to lead you to a successful and happy life. Start looking towards the future with the feeling of abundance in your heart.
Gemini - May 21 - June 20
This month you will feel the energy to better your life or situation, personally and spiritually, by working hard and persisting to get yourself to where you want to be. You will find the strength and courage to get yourself there will come easier too and there will be help from others too. This month you will feel the pull to make changes and step out of the old. You will find a new found positivity and your eyes will be opened to seeing things that you couldn’t see before. Travel is also likely for you this month.
Guidance - Take rest sweet soul, where you can. This is a deep month for you emotionally and spiritually and you will work hard, so in between, rest and look after yourself. A little holiday or weekend away is recommended to recharge yourself. Expand on self love as you move through this transitory time. Eat good food and get a massage or healing. The way to make your month easier will come from the quiet voice within.
Cancer - June 21 - July 22
This month you are surrounded with a stable and strong energy. Things will seem straightforward and there will be bursts of wisdom around you. A strong father figure will be around you this month, helping and guiding you to delve into and own your inner strength. You can also expect to step into a leadership role of some description, a promotion is likely and your plans for the future will be strong and stable.
Guidance - Focus clearly on the specifics of any plans as putting each step into action will assure success. As the way is clear to you now, its time to get moving and put things into action. Be deeply honest with yourself and let go of all of the bits and pieces (& maybe people) that are causing you distractions. Focus on your goal. Focus on clarity and the truth of what you are here to do in this life. Focus on your mental clarity and you will succeed.
Leo - July 23 - Aug 22
Courageous Lion, this month you will have a lot going on and you are being encouraged to have fun with it all as you work on balancing all aspects of your life together. The energy of flow is around you and so you find it easy to adapt to situations and any changes that are likely to come your way (as long as you don't overthink it!). If you are facing a decision, all aspects should be weighed up with harmony as your end goal. You will find a good balance between work, family and other commitments.
Guidance - You have what it takes, so step out of your comfort zone with great confidence in yourself. Use the power of your strong will to take charge of the situation / life and go for it. You will need to embrace self control and knuckle in with some hard work. Make plans or if you already have it, focus on your goal and go for it.
Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22
The energy of compassion, nurturing and enjoying beauty are surrounding you this month. You will feel grounded, comfortable and content as you move into this homely feeling month. This may be a time when you move to living more independently or it just may be a time where you enjoy all of the finer things in life, including family and friends. You can expect a wise and caring mother figure to help you this month. The energy of prosperity and security are strong in your life right now. And you can trust in your abilities to bring success.
Guidance - You are being guided to embrace generosity and emotional balance. Keep calm and work on keeping a balance in your emotional state so you can move through the month with grace and ease. Master your feelings and trust in yourself because you really do have everything that it takes to have the life you desire. This is a great time to indulge in self care or artistic endeavours of all kinds. Trust your instincts.
Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22
You have done well and this month is all about recognition, success and achievement for you. This month others will notice your hard work and achievements which will leave you feeling great. If you are not there yet, then you can expect things to fall into place that will get you to this place of success and recognition, this is a good time to promote yourself. Scholarships or grants are likely. This month is your time to shine so wear it well and be proud of all that you do and who you are.
Guidance - It may seem contrary but it can happen…don't let yourself sink into negative thoughts and insecurities. You may not be used to this success, or it may be bringing up some self sabotaging thoughts and behaviour. If so, you are being encouraged to ask for help and accept it. Whatever you do, don't let yourself believe any thoughts that are not positive, you are amazing. Allow yourself to shine.
Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21
This month you are surrounded by the energy of emotional and yes, likely romantic stirrings. This is the beginning of something great when it comes to your heart. If you are in a relationship, you can expect things to blossom wonderfully. Or you could find yourself creating a deep connection with a friend too. Spiritual energy is high this month too and you will find great insights and awakenings.
Guidance - Make decisions from your heart and intuition, and then use your head to help you make the right moves. Listen to your inner voice when dealing with others or situations, and then act from a place of calm compassion. You are in the right place and all is well. Lean into the truth of who you are in your heart and give generously.
Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21
The future's looking bright and you can expect wonderful new ideas to come in this month. If you have been waiting on something, it will turn out as expected. There is an air of optimism surrounding you this month and though it will feel like things are taking time, having patience is quite easy this month. There will be opportunities to expand your horizons this month as there are many opportunities around you, so think big. Overseas travel is likely.
Guidance - Spend time enjoying life with friends in your down time and be sure to balance out work life with recreation. Celebrate life, have fun and get the support from friends that will help you to remain resilient. In situations, give others the benefit of the doubt and use compassion. Connect with others through classes or workshops.
Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20
This month things will amp up for you as you are surrounded by a win at all costs type of energy. Differences of opinions will be strong and you may find yourself striving to be on top no matter what. This is the energy of defeat at the expense of others or, it may be that deceit is around you. Things may not work out well this month. The advice…pick your battles, sometimes walking away is winning.
Guidance - Lean into the support of others this month and focus your attention on what really matters. You are being reminded that no matter the setbacks, you will reach your goals of happiness, accomplishment and success. Have the attitude that everything will come together wonderfully in the end so commit your focus to the affluent and successful future which is just around the corner for you and don't waste time on frivolities.
Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19
Time to start thinking about the future and how best to take your next steps so you end up where you want to be. You have been working hard, and this month you are free to take a little time out and do some reviewing and re-planning. If you feel frustration this month, have patience. You may feel like you want things to move faster but remember, good things take time, care and attention. This is a month for taking a break and pondering the future and how you will get there.
Guidance - Be open to opportunities that are opening up for you that you may not be aware of…look beyond the box right! If you are feeling frustrated or down, practice meditation or some form of self reflection to help you to find inner peace and insight into what you need to do to get back on track. You are being guided to have an awareness of your deeper emotions. If life is too predictable at the moment, it's time to make some changes to spice it up.
Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20
This month you are surrounded by the energy of deep love and passion, its all about the heart this month. A new relationship may enter your life, either romantic or platonic. Either way, this person will affect your life in a positive way. Alternatively, this is a time when you are becoming very clear about your values and may have a choice to make that is all about you staying true to yourself and following your heart. This month is about making wise decisions (from the heart) that will lead to the future of your dreams.
Guidance - You are being guided to take control of the situation and/or your life. Patience, responsibility and commitment are what it is all about. Plan out your steps and be meticulous in your planning as this will lead to success. Time to start heading, slowly but surely in the direction that your heart is pulling you in. Slow and steady wins the race.
Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium