Bat medicine encourages us to face the dark, knowing that we will intuitively find our way
Okay, I know it is no coincidence that Bats have their place in this worldwide health crisis, but here I offer you a deeper meaning behind what we are all experiencing...
Animal medicine has been used by native tribes for guidance for many hundreds of years, We can tap into this guidance by many means, animal totems, tarot cards, intuition, runes, the I ching and many more systems of divination.
I love noticing animals in my life, when a butterfly lands on your finger or nose, when a bird lands right in front of you, when a grasshopper lands on your arm and then jumps away, these are all signs from the animal world, they are leading us to their message which will help us at that time in our lives....if we are open to it
Animal totems come into our lives to share divine guidance and show us the skills we may need to acquire at this time.
And so with that in mind, I tuned into the higher frequencies and pulled out Bat!
You have already and are likely still facing the symbolic death of the way the system has been operating and has consequently forced you to look closely at your own emotional issues...
Rest assured, this is not punishment people, this is a time for growth, a time to weed out the garden, get rid of the crap and make room for something better, something lighter, a better time for all.
We encourage you all to get out your garbage bags (symbolically) , take some time for yourself, face your issues and recognize they are simply thoughts and reactions to your situation. Now is the time to decide if still want to think that way and if not, let them go: Ask yourself, in a moment of peace, what does a new life look like for you, an easy life? How does it feel? What would you need to live like in order to have that life?
And in that is your answer
Old habits and beliefs are being let go, make this easy on yourself and look for the positive lessons
Bat medicine has communicated with the utmost vigor to our human race and for the good of our planet as I am sure you will agree
A major shift is taking place and within it are many lessons for us all to behold on a personal and institutional level.
Bat encourages us that now is the time for us to be taking stock of our lives, you have been given this opportunity to slow down, to ascertain what is right and what is wrong for you
You are asked at this time to release old outdated forms of belief and to adopt new, updated ways of living and thinking
It is not a time to wrap yourself in cotton wool, it is a time for introspection, a real good look at which parts of yourself you want to keep and which parts you are ready to let go of to make room for a new improved version of yourself.
Bat encourages us to remember our community, that we are all one family and must be more loyal to each other, we must and now is the time to pave the way for a new community, a new way of interacting with each other and to develop and deepen our connections with each other
We must build a new community based around each other, not money, and there is no better indication of that than right now I'm sure you agree.
Bat medicine gives us courage to face the dark and know that we will find our way
Bat medicine reminds us to stay close to our family and young
Bat medicine represents endings and beginnings
Bat medicine is heightening our perceptions and intuition
Bat medicine is helping us be better communicators and listeners
If you need help letting go of troubling thoughts, worries and stresses at this time, reach out for help. Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium offers expert healing and reading sessions to help you with divine guidance for your next best step.
Blessings to you all with much love,
Bat and Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium