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3 Things you can do to help your Psychic Child Flourish and Understand their Gift

Writer's picture: SunshineCoastSpiritMediumSunshineCoastSpiritMedium

When I got the call last week, I knew I had to help.

"I don't know what to do" She said, "My 8year old daughter has imaginary friends and doctors said she would grow out of it, that it is normal and not to worry unless it gets worse. Well last week, she has been waking up saying they are pushing her around and hurting her, please help, I don't know where else to go."

Being a child with gifts myself, I knew I had to help.

I took some time to tune into my team of helpers and guides first, I know they always know the answers and I have 100% faith and trust in them, and they didn't let me down as per usual.

Here's what they told me:

1- She is very connected to the spirit realm

2- She has many guides and helpers with her

3- She has 2 spirits (people who have passed over) who are very strong with their energy, they are trying to get her to pass on a message to their loved ones. One is her grandma and another is a message for a neighbour.

4- She needs to learn that she is control, you will help her with this Brooke

I knew it! So off I went to her house to meet this sweet 8year old girl and her mum.

I could tell straight away that she was a lovely girl who was very connected to spirit. She was very polite to me. When I asked her about her friends, she said they have gone now. (her mum said, she always says that to the doctors, she was astounded at what happened next)

But I persisted ...

I told her about me, how I talk to my 'imaginary friends' (people in spirit - she is 8 remember so I kept it in her terms) and I do it as a job to help people.

Well, she opened right up and told me about them, how they were waking her up at night and how she had been arguing with them, and how they were scaring her by pushing her around.....

I told her not to worry, here are the most important things that I told her and showed her how to do as an 8 year old...

1- Know you make the rules

"Well I know you have a lot of friends and they are all very nice, but you know how you have a body and they don't? That means that you are the boss, or the queen! So you can make some rules for them so they don't bother you so much, like at night, or at school, would you like that?"

Of course she loved that and was very happy to know that she could set some rules for them. This gave her the power and made her feel strong. It is also very true, we are the ones with the power... read on to learn more.

2-Tell them not to wake you up

"Sweetheart, your friends are helpful but sometimes we need to tell them to give you some space okay, like at night. I want you to tell them, that they have to go away at night and let you sleep okay, they are not allowed to wake you up at all, you tell them that."

And so she told them in a very authoritive voice to not wake her up at night. It was actually so cute.

Spirit will always respect our wishes, sometimes the pushy ones need to be told quite firmly, and a few times before they listen, and this is where having your guides helping really comes into play.....

3- Get to know your main helper in spirit

"I know you have a lot of friends here, but I want you to find your guide of the white light, she will be all in white because she is of the highest divine light, can you see her?" After a minute of looking, she found her. "Great, she is your special helper of the light, she will help you with your friends, you tell her your rules and she will make your friends listen, she is your main guide and helper."

So she found her main helper guide (We all have a few but that's another blog)

We all have guardian angels and guides, and as mediums (people who can talk to spirit) we need to learn all about them and how to work with them so they can help us. (In some cases, if the child can see them and knew them in life, I will get them to talk to their loved one and tell them they are their guardian angel, this comforts kids a lot)

Why don't they automatically help us you ask?

They do, in so many areas of life and we don't know about it.

But as I asked my guides earlier that day when I was checking in, they told me that when we work with them as mediums, we need to tell them what our rules are, you see, they are not to interfere with our free will, so this girls guides need instruction from her on what she wants.

So I asked them, (being a mum myself) "But she is only a kid, surely someone should be doing this for her on the spirit side"

"Of course no harm will come to her, but she needs to learn how to work her gift and if these events hadn't happened, her mother never would have called you and you wouldn't be here to help her understand, you see. It is important that she learns how to work her gift."

I understood. No one else had been able to help her, no doctors, nothing.

So we told all of her friends that they were to go away as she will now be working with her guide of the light, who she named but I forgot the name, it was cute.

Will it work? You ask.

She is still a child, she likes having her friends around her, so this will take time and practice... and help from family too.

As I explained to her mum, and the girl will learn as she grows.

People in spirit cant hurt her, they cant hurt us.

But what they want is someone to pass on a message for them...

And they see that she can talk with them, so they take their chance. They don't care about her age or lack of knowledge in her skills, they simply see someone who can get a message across and so they bombard her with images, feelings, impressions, words and more.

Why, you ask again...

Because, that's how the spirit world communicate.

As I explain at the beginning of every reading, communicating with spirit is not like a conversation with a person.

They can only give us messages through our senses, so,

1- images (like a memory you have of your last holiday if you thought of it now) or,

2- feelings in our body or emotions (this is my primary sense)

3- Words, dates or a sense of knowing

So, I explained to her mum, who said, 'But they were pushing her and scaring her'.

"I understand, but in a session with me, spirit would give me the feeling of being pushed around, along with the feeling of being scared ?(I would likely also get some other info, like seeing a beer and then a hospital) so I would say to my client, 'I have a man, he is a contemporary to you, it feels like a cousin energy, he is here, he is showing me him being pushed when he was here, its like a fight, and he was feeling scared, he shows me beer and then later he is in hospital, do you understand this?'

To which my client would say, 'Yes, my cousin, so and so, got into a brawl outside the pub, he died later on from his injuries, they couldn't save him'

You see?

I have practice, I have and continue to, learn my craft, master my skills every day. But to an 8 year old, she would get this info and feel like her imaginary friends were trying to hurt her because she doesn't yet understand how her gift works...does that make sense?

So I told her mum that she will be just fine (she certainly doesn't need meds for this aspect of her life) , she has a gift and will need to practice and learn how to use it.

That's when the mums mother in spirit stepped in, and got me to pass on a message to her, (she was the pushy strong one!) and so did the cousin...I passed on the messages, the mum understood and was very grateful.

So yes, if your child feels things, see's spirit, has imaginary friends, encourage them to learn how to use their gift (they are not crazy). Tell them they are the boss and tell them to say hi too.

People in spirit are here to help us, they love us, they want to see us do well and yes...

Sometimes when we really need it...

They will be pushy and try to get a message to us, because they see that we are in a rough spot and they really want to see us do well and enjoy our life.


Brooke BB

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